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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Flap Over Obama Reagan Comments

This controversy over Obama's comments discussing Reagan is just silly and false. Here's a good quote from the WSJ:

The episode is most telling, though, for what it says about the ancient mariners of the Democratic Party and how little they've changed. Supposedly Mr. Obama committed a grievous blunder by nodding at the achievement of one of the most consequential Presidencies of the 20th century. If the rest of the Democrats can't even recognize the same, it suggests that the change they have in mind is back to the 1960s and '70s.

Read More: Obama and the Gipper

Update: Check this out! Hillary lists Reagan as one of her favorite Presidents in a December 2007 press release. Does she have no shame?

Her list of favorite presidents - Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, both Roosevelts, Truman, George H.W. Bush and Reagan

Read More: Eleven Salmon Press Weekly Newspapers Endorse Hillary Clinton for President via Zennie


Anonymous said...

Ronald Reagan was wrong on many things, but it can not be denied that he was a leader who brought together people who had not previously voted for Republican candidates. These people are sometimes called "Reagan Democrats," and they were the key to his ability to win in back-to-back landslide elections.

It is clear to me that Barack Obama is clearly a progressive leader with the potential to bring together a diverse coalition for progressive change just as Ronald Reagan brought together a diverse coalition for conservative change.

Metavirus said...

Amen, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for checking out my blog.