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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

South Carolina Debate

I have a good mix of conflicting emotions about last night's South Carolina debate. On the one hand, I thought Obama kept his cool and was justified in bringing up all the lies and distortions coming out of the Clinton camp. Their comments about what he said about Reagan are 100% unequivocally and demonstrably false (see also here). Unfortunately, my main emotion coming out of the debate was anger at how readily and effortlessly the Clintons lie and mischaracterize.

I just hope Americans CARE that they lie! After the lies of the last 8 years, I just can't imagine, in my heart of hearts, that we would vote in a better liar. As a fellow blogger puts it:

The ease with which the Clintons lie is so disturbing. A lot of people take them at their word because of their status and for them to abuse that trust is just pretty low.

I don’t know what polls Hillary Clinton is referring to where she beats the Republicans more than Obama. If that were the case, so many red state Democrats would not be endorsing Barack Obama. They’d be endorsing her. But you should look for yourself at the Real Clear Politics poll numbers and see who does better. It certainly isn’t Hillary. Why does she insist on misleading people?

Read More: ABC News Reporter Calls Out Clintons for Consistent Lies about Barack Obama via Think on These Things

Update: Additional good quote:

I know he wants his wife to beat Obama. And it seems that unleashing the Big Dog seems to be working for the Clinton campaign.

Perhaps some voters are even touched by his passion.

But let's be clear -- Bill Clinton is spreading demonstrably false information.

There's winning ugly, and there's winning with honor.

Does it matter? Or is all fair in politics and war?