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Friday, July 11, 2008

The Week That Should Have Ended McCain

There is a new must-read post up on the Huffington Post that outlines the fundamental earthquakes that the McCain campaign should have caused this week in an alternate reality where the mainstream media didn't love McCain so much.

If ANY of these items had come out of the Obama campaign, we would undoubtedly be subjected to a week-long endless 24x7 cable news loop of puerile fill-in-the-blank statements such as "Do the [____] statements coming out the Obama campaign call into question Obama's [____]?"

Please go check it out, it's truly breathtaking.

Here's the key points. See the article for the full analysis.

  1. McCain unambiguously called Social Security "an absolute disgrace."
  2. McCain's top economic policy adviser calls Americans a bunch of "whiners" for being worried about the slumping economy.
  3. Iraqi leaders call for a timetable for U.S. withdrawal, McCain gets caught in a bizarre denial and flip flop.
  4. McCain's economic plan to cut the deficit has no details and is simply not believable.
  5. McCain's deficit plan includes bringing the troops home represents a major Iraq flip-flop.
  6. McCain campaign [lies] about economists support [for his "economic plan"].
  7. McCain makes a joke about killing Iranians [with American-exported cigarettes].
  8. McCain denies, flatly, that he ever said that he is not an expert in economics.
  9. McCain distorts his record on veterans benefits in response to a question from Vietnam Veteran, who then proceeds to call McCain out on it.
  10. McCain demonstrates he knows nothing about Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Read More: The Week That Should Have Ended McCain's Presidential Hopes