Hero of 2024: Ruthie, My Barber
20 hours ago
News and commentary on why America needs Barack Obama at this moment in our history.
Wow. Color me impressed. CNN ran a scathing exposé on the McCain's campaign's lying ways and debunked nearly every recent lie they've put out. Here's the video:
Crooks and Liars sums it up thusly:
Obama wants to teach sex to kindergarteners? Lie.
Palin opposed the Bridge to Nowhere? Lie.
Palin hasn’t taken earmarks as Governor? Lie.
Alaska produces 20% of America’s energy? Lie.
Palin visited Iraq and Ireland? Lie.
Posted by Metavirus at 9/17/2008 12:34:00 PM
Tags: Distortions , Election 2008 , Honest , Integrity , John McCain , Lies , Media , Rebuttals , Sarah Palin , Video
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