Trump’s War on Gender is Accelerating
8 hours ago
News and commentary on why America needs Barack Obama at this moment in our history.
Click on the link below to listen to a voicemail McCain left for Sarah Palin that was leaked to the press today. As Matt Stoller notes:
[A]ll I can think is that there is no longer any meaningful difference between parody and reality. It's as if all those Americans who choose to pay attention to celebrity gossip instead of politics, leading to laments from the liberal village, were correct. Paying attention to politics makes you dumber. How the fuck did John McCain nominate an Alaskan separatist? What? Seriously? Really? Let me ask that again. Really?
Posted by Metavirus at 9/02/2008 04:40:00 PM
Tags: Alaska , Election 2008 , General Election , Humor , John McCain , Sarah Palin
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