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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tigh/Roslin 2008

This is pretty funny stuff that may only resonate with fellow fans of the new Battlestar Galactica Series. I have to say that the resemblances are uncanny:

Ben Smith notes:

Fans of the Sci-Fi show Battlestar Galactica have previously noted that John McCain looks like Colonel Saul Tigh -- a temperamental war hawk and ex-fighter pilot , who also happens to be a former P.O.W.

And, as Jonathan Last notes, Sarah Palin looks like a young President Laura Roslin -- the former Secretary of Education who became president of the human race out of nowhere after the robotic Cylons killed almost all of them in a surprise nuclear strike.

In season one, the remaining 40,000 or so human beings worry about her inexperience, her open religiosity, and her choice to ban abortion in order to keep mankind alive.

For more information on the mock ticket, check out the campaign site that's already been set up in their name.