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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bill Clinton Gives Great Speech at Convention - Video

I just watched Bill Clinton's speech at the Democratic Convention and I thought it was excellent. He hit all the right notes -- fully endorsing Obama, taking Bush to task and calling out McCain for toeing the extremist Republican ideology that has so roundly hurt our country over the last eight years.

Here's Andrew Sullivan's take:

Tonight, I think, was one of the best speeches [Clinton] has ever given. It was direct, personal and powerful endorsement of Obama. But much, much more than that: it was a statesman-like assessment of where this country is and how desperately it needs a real change toward reform and retrenchment at home and restoration of diplomacy, wisdom and prudence abroad. Yes, he nailed it with this line: "People around the world have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power"...

[S]ince 2000, the worst aspects of Republicanism have crowded out its once necessary virtues. The reflexive impulse to use force over diplomacy, to use aggression over persuasion, to spend and borrow with no concern for the future, and to violate sacred principles such as the eschewal of torture with no respect for the past: these must not just be left behind. They have to be repudiated.

The United States needs this, as does the world. McCain, alas, cannot provide this. He may once have. But his party is too far gone, and his moment passed. His use of fear and deception and brattish contempt in this campaign have sealed the deal for me. But Clinton reminded all of us of what is mor broadly at stake. He did it with passion and measure and eloquence.

We've seen the worst of Bill Clinton these past few months, Tonight, we saw the best. And it's mighty good.

Here's the video:

Update: Go here to view the full transcript of Bill Clinton's speech.


Anonymous said...

President Clinton's speech reminded me of and restored my affection for him that was lost, unfortunately, during the primaries. It also took me back to a time when I had affection and admiration for my president. Remember what that felt like? Hopefully Barack will restore the dignity of the office once elected!