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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Jim Leach - Republican Speech at Democratic Convention

I agree with Steve Benen; former Republican Rep. Jim Leach got a surprisingly small amount of coverage yesterday for his speech at the Democratic Convention. He definitely got less coverage than Liebertraitor is expected to get. I thought his speech was great:

As a Republican, I stand before you with deep respect for the history and traditions of my political party. But it is clear to all Americans that something is out of kilter in our great republic.... Seldom has the case for an inspiring new political ethic been more compelling. And seldom has an emerging leader so matched the needs of the moment.... I stand before you proud of my party's contributions to American history but, as a citizen, proud as well of the good judgment of good people in this good party, in nominating a transcending candidate, an individual whom I am convinced will recapture the American dream and be a truly great president: the senator from Abraham Lincoln's state -- Barack Obama.... This is not a time for politics as usual.... Obama will recapture the American dream and be a truly great president.

Update - Here's the video: