Friday, February 29, 2008
Defuse the "Smear" - Take Hussein As YOUR Middle Name!
I read a great post from a reader over on Andrew Sullivan:
Recall how football players shave their heads in solidarity with a teammate who's going through chemo? What the Democrats need to do, should Obama become the nominee, is to use Hussein as their adopted middle names. Ted Hussein Kennedy. Nancy Hussein Pelosi. Hillary Hussein Clinton. (Well, maybe not.) And his supporters, too. This is something that can easily go viral and backfire on the far right big-time.
Henceforth, I will be known as Monitor Hussein, in solidarity with a respected and common name in the Arab world. Defuse the "smear" by not making it a smear.
Update: As a commenter points out, folks have been doing this over over a week on the Obama Blog. Sorry I was so behind the curve!
Update: This is apparently quite a popular theme, see here: Put Your John Hussein Hancock on the Line
Posted by Metavirus at 2/29/2008 07:10:00 PM 3 comments
Tags: Attacks on Obama , Barack Obama , Rebuttals
"Ringing" - New Obama Ad in Texas
I am so impressed by how effective the Obama camp has become in quickly diffusing the Clinton campaign's fear and pity tactics. Check out this new Obama ad currently running in Texas, which is a response to Hillary's earlier fearmongering ad, looks familiar no?
Earlier: Clinton Ad - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
Posted by Metavirus at 2/29/2008 06:37:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Attacks on Obama , Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Commercials , Hillary Clinton , Primaries , Texas , Videos
Clinton Ad - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
This is the new ad that Hillary Clinton is running in Texas. I think this is just such a terribly sad testament to how low her campaign has sunk. It basically says that if she is not in the White House, your children will likely suffer a terrible fate.
"It's 3 a.m., and your children are safe and asleep," the announcer says. "But there's a phone in the White House, and it's ringing — something's happening in the world. Your vote will decide who answers that call."
In response, Obama campaign manager David Plouffe issued a withering reply:
"We don't think the ad is going to be effective at all. Senator Clinton already had her red phone moment -- to decide whether to allow George Bush to invade Iraq. She answered affirmatively. She did not read the National Intelligence Estimate. She still, curiously, tries to suggest that it wasn't a vote for war, but it most assuredly was...Now, Mark Penn is calling the ad "positive"! The unmitigated gall!"This is about what you say when you answer that phone. What judgment you show...She, John McCain and George Bush gave the wrong answer."
This is a positive ad. Very soft images. Not at all like that ad. Soft images. It poses a question to people -- who do they want to pick up the phone? Let them make their own judgment. This is a spot that puts [the question] in the hands of voters.
In response to this kind of fearmongering, I think Bill Clinton said it best in 2004:
"Now, one of Clinton's laws of politics is this. If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other one is trying get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."
Update: Here's the Mondale "Red Phone" ad by Roy Spence, who is now supervising Hillary's ad strategy:
Posted by Metavirus at 2/29/2008 01:45:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Dirty Tricks , Fearmongering , Hillary Clinton
Quote of the Day - Vote for Hope
"Now, one of Clinton's laws of politics is this. If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other one is trying get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope."
-- Bill Clinton, 2004
Posted by Metavirus at 2/29/2008 01:25:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Bill Clinton , Fearmongering , Hillary Clinton , Quotes
Clinton Threatens to Sue Over Caucuses
As Think on These Things puts it:
I am not surprised. The way Hillary has run her campaign has given me no confidence in her ability to lead this country. Where is her planning and foresight? These Texas rules have been in place for a long time. Why are they just now realizing them and starting to threaten people?
The Star-Telegram reports:
The Texas Democratic Party is warning that its March 4 caucuses could be delayed or disrupted after aides to White House hopeful Hillary Clinton raised the specter of an “imminent” lawsuit over its complicated delegate selection process, officials said Thursday night.
In a letter sent out late Thursday to both the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaigns, Texas Democratic Party lawyer Chad Dunn warned that a lawsuit could ruin the Democrats’ effort to re-energize voters just as they are turning out in record numbers.
Spokesmen from both campaigns maintained there were no plans to sue before the March 4 election.
“It has been brought to my attention that one or both of your campaigns may already be planning or intending to pursue litigation against the Texas Democratic Party,” Dunn said in the letter, obtained by the Star-Telegram. “Such action could prove to be a tragedy for a reinvigorated Democratic process.”
Democratic sources said representatives from each campaign had made it clear they are keeping all their options open but that the Clinton campaign in particular had warned of an impending lawsuit.
“Both campaigns have made it clear that they would go there if they had to, but I think the imminent threat is coming from one campaign,” said one top Democratic official, referring to the Clinton campaign. The official spoke on condition of anonymity.
Read more.
Also see the letter the Texas Democratic Party wrote here (PDF).
Posted by Metavirus at 2/29/2008 10:33:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Dirty Tricks , Hillary Clinton , Lawsuits , Primaries , Texas
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Quote of the Day
"There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the world, and that is an idea whose time has come."
-- Victor Hugo
Microtrends Vanquished by a Macrotrend
Another great article by Arianna Huffington, which discusses the differences between Hillary's microtrends and Obama's macrotrend:
"Hillary Clinton's campaign model," David Axelrod, Obama's chief strategist told me this morning in Chicago, "is a very tired Washington model: 'I'll do these things for you.' Barack's model is 'Let's do these things together.' This has been the premise of Barack's politics all his life, going back to his days as a community organizer. He has really lived and breathed it, which is why it comes across so authentically.
"Of course, the time also has to be right for the man and the moment to come together. And, after all the country has been through over the last seven years, the times are definitely right for the message that the only way to get real change is to activate the American people to demand it."
Read More: Microtrends vs Macrotrends: Why Obama is Winning
Posted by Metavirus at 2/28/2008 04:53:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Hillary Clinton , Primaries
Gallup and Pollster: Obama's Lead Ever-Widening
A new Gallup tracking poll came out yesterday. It shows Obama with a new 5-point lead over Hillary Clinton - 48% to 43%:
Update: Here is the new Pollster.com poll of polls from Tuesday. Even more striking results: it's Obama with 49% and Clinton with 42.1%:
Posted by Metavirus at 2/28/2008 10:08:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Polls , Primaries
The Psychology of Hope
Great new article over on the Huffington Post that discusses why Barack Obama's words are more powerful than Hillary Clinton's:
"[S]tanding up for people," "fighting," etc. position Hillary as not necessarily able to change anything. In this formulation, she's more like an older sibling, taking on a neighborhood bully. Nice to have around, and appropriate for a lower office -- but on an instinctive level, not exactly displaying a presidential level of authority.Read More: The Psychology of Hope: Why Obama's Words Are More Effective Than Hillary's
Obama's language positions him not as a fighter, but as a winner, stating the outcome of his election in absolute terms. Stretching (and surely over-stretching) the family metaphor, Obama comes off not as an older sibling, a mere equal of the bad guys, but as a powerful and self-assured father -- one ready to march right down the stairs and give those bullies some whoop-ass.
Moreover, the ad begins with "[i]f you are ready for change" -- so that everything that follows is conditional: it's you, not Obama, who is ultimately responsible for the future. If you don't vote for Obama, the continuing mess is your own fault. But if you do -- "[t]heir days of setting the agenda are over."
Posted by Metavirus at 2/28/2008 10:00:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Power of Words , Primaries
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
One Million Donors for Obama
Barack Obama has crossed an historic threshold. As of today, he has collected donations from over one million people! This has never been done in the history of politics and is just one more example of how he is going to bust apart the political calculus of the last era.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/27/2008 09:48:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Case for Obama , Donate
Sponsoring Obama Volunteers to Texas
I am in a really great mood today due, in large part, to sponsoring three eager students from across the U.S. -- either by way of helping them get a plane ticket or helping with accommodations -- to fly down to Texas to volunteer for the Obama campaign. Please check back here often as they will be sending me news, photos and anecdotes from the campaign trail that I will be posting here.
Here are the intrepid folks I'll be following over the next week:
- Aaron - Coming from Cornelia, Georgia with what sounds like a large group of friends, he'll be campaigning in Houston and the surrounding area.
- Wendi - Flying in from San Jose, California with, like Aaron, a significant network of students to campaign in Houston.
- Kingsley - Update: With a few other people in tow, including one Sheila that I've spoken with and who helped arrange everything, Kingsley hails from New York City and will be heading down to the Brownsville area.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/27/2008 09:31:00 AM 3 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Caucuses , Primaries , Texas , Volunteering
Obama Building Ever-Larger Coalition
Great article in the New York Times from yesterday:
In the past two months, Senator Barack Obama has built a commanding coalition among Democratic voters, with especially strong support among men, and is now viewed by most Democrats as the candidate best able to beat Senator John McCain in the general election, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll.Read More: Obama’s Support Grows Broader, New Poll Finds
After 40 Democratic primaries and caucuses, capped by a winning streak in 11 contests over the last two weeks, Mr. Obama has made substantial gains across most major demographic groups in the Democratic Party, including men and women, liberals and moderates, higher and lower income voters, and those with and without college degrees.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/27/2008 09:08:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Electability , General Election , Primaries
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ohio Debate Live Blog
[Disclaimer: I just realized I am on a time delay due to my DVR, my time references are a bit off as a result.]
Conclusion - Unlike the last debate, which I thought was pretty much a tie, Obama knocked this one out of the park. Hillary Clinton got booed and hissed repeatedly and Obama comported himself well, was strong, cool under pressure. Hillary was repeatedly evasive, blatantly lied and mischaracterized in some really painfully obvious ways.
10:37 - Clinton is asked the same question and, will she take the high road? So far she is. She just gets off a cheap gender card applause line by again noting for everyone that she's a woman. Her question is "Who can actually change the country". Then she goes back to her whole 35 years B.S. My answer to her question? Not you, Hillary Clinton, not you.
10:35 - Williams asks Obama what question Clinton needs to answer to prove she's capable. Obama takes the high road and says she is definitely qualified to be President and goes on to discuss his qualifications.
10:34 - More honesty and straightshooting from Obama, he says that while there is vanity and ambition in this race, it is seriously important that we change the way business is done in Washington.
10:31 - In response to a question regarding what vote in the past would each candidate take back, Hillary takes back her vote. Obama has a nice honest moment when he said he should have fought against the adjournment that led to Congress intervening in the Shiavo debacle.
10:19 - Hillary tries to make some silly point her "rejecting" anti-semites when she ran for the Senate. What is she trying to say? She is somehow implying that Obama is not standing on principle. She is saying there's a difference between "denouncing" and "rejecting". Somehow she's implying he is soft on antisemitism. Wow, he got off a great laughter line when he said that if Hillary was more comfortable with the word reject then "I reject AND denounce". Classy and masterful!
10:13 - The Farrakhan issue comes up and Obama parries well. He gets a great opportunity to address the Jewish community. He makes a great statement on the issue that I think will be getting a lot of coverage in the Jewish press tomorrow.
10:11 - Now Russert takes her to task for not releasing her records as First Lady. Her answer was fair but evasive.
10:08 - Russert takes Clinton to task for not releasing her tax return. Ooh, she takes an obvious and clumsy dodge. Oh wow, she just plugged her website and asked for donations! Have you no shame. Yet ANOTHER round of boos and groans from the audience. She is still evading. More groans and boos from the audience when she says she's real busy right now and can't get to releasing the returns just now. She says she'll "work toward releasing". This is her lowest moment in the debate and shines a very bad light on her.
10:03 - Nice, Obama ripostes by saying there's more to passing healthcare than "fighting". He says, as witness, look to why her taskforce failed. He says we need to mobilize the American people to push for change. He says that there's nothing magical about motivating the voters. Nice, and he just pointed out that she's taking millions from special interests.
10:01 - Clinton says she's a fighter and talks about hobbling the special interests. Hmm, and who exactly is donating to her campaign and NOT to Obama's? Oh yeah, lobbyists.
9:56 - Nice, they're playing the clip of Clinton's derisive sneering mockery of Obama that's getting a lot of play all over the internet. That is NOT good for her. Obama's reaction to her "all words" theme was an excellent discussion of his policy achievements. Well played.
9:50 - Russert is being tough on Clinton, a bit abrasive even. Not very fair, it's true.
9:46 - Nice! Obama frames the decision to go into Iraq as Hillary voting to drive the bus into the ditch and his votes while he's been in office as voting on how to get the bus out of the ditch. Very adept metaphor. Now onto Pakistan and he makes a good statement about the fact that we did in fact just recently take out a high-level Al-Qaeda operative in Pakistan against Musharraf's denial to allow the operation the go forward.
9:43 - Hillary tries to riposte on Obama's discussion of Iraq. She tries to say his opposition means nothing because he wasn't in power yet. Didn't work. Now onto meeting with dictators and "he basically said that he was going to bomb Pakistan."
9:40 - Williams asks Obama about Clinton's recent speeches on his "inexperience". Nice, he frames his answer in terms of Iraq and points out that Clinton equates "experience" with time in Washington. He makes an excellent foreign policy speech and talks about Pakistan.
9:37 - Russert questions Clinton on her economic plan and her pledge to create 5 million new jobs and her 2000 pledge to create 200,000 new jobs in upstate New York when, in fact, there's been a net loss of jobs there. Her response was thorough and direct. I think she cam off well.
9:33 - Obama's NAFTA response is solid and similar to Clinton's. He definitely gets the better of this issue.
9:31 - Dang! Russert is really laying into Clinton. He basically said "the record is clear" on her prior support of NAFTA. I think this will really hurt her in Ohio. Russert just validated Obama's flier saying that Hillary Clinton supported NAFTA and has now flip-flopped. Her response was defensive and unconvincing.
9:29 - Tim Russert just laid into Clinton and validated Obama's reference to her saying that she thought that NAFTA was, on balance, good for New York and good for the country. Zing!
9:24 - She just got seriously booed again after she made some snarky statement about her always getting the first question in the debates. She also made a clumsy reference to the SNL skit that said the media was in bed with Obama . She is really coming off poorly so far. Cringe-worthy.
9:23 - Senator Clinton I think just got booed after Brian Williams told her this was the question on this topic, I think she might have gotten booed again. She is coming off as grating and "bullyish".
9:22 - Obama is keeping his own well and called her out on her mischaracterizations.
9:20 - First 20 minutes of the debate and MSNBC gives Clinton the agenda.
9:19 - What a liar, she just said that Obama has a mandate for parents so their plans are the same.
9:18 - Nice comeback, Obama called out Hillary for her inaccurate statement that he doesn't support universal heathcare.
9:16 - Hillary just said that Obama's flyer was just like something the Republicans would put out. Dirty. She again claimed that Obama was not for universal healthcare.
9:14 - Obama's response to Clinton was solid and well-put.
9:09 - Good job MSNBC, let Clinton determine the first question based on her "Shame on you" remarks. They gave her a great opening remark opportunity. Wow, the gall of this woman to say they should debate over the accuracy of campaign fliers. Talk about the pot calling the kettle.
8:58 - Almost ready. I wonder how this is going to go.
Republicans More Scared of Obama
I missed these results in my prior post on the new Gallup polls. Check this out: Obama scares the Republicans more than Clinton by a staggering margin!
Chris Dodd Endorses Obama
Former presidential candidate Chris Dodd today endorsed Obama, saying that Obama has the "vision to lead". Watch his endorsement speech below:
When Words Really Do Matter
Great new article by Arianna Huffington:
So let's look at how Obama uses words. Contrary to Clinton's charges, Obama never claims his words will somehow magically create change. Instead, he uses his words to ask the American people to demand change. Very little change for the better happens in Washington unless it is demanded by the people...
Which is why Obama's constant invocation is "Yes we can" -- not "Yes I can." Obama uses words to persuade, to mobilize and to get people to imagine that reality can be changed. And based on how his campaign has been run, on the ground, in state after state, it's clear that he knows changing reality is not done through magic -- it's done through hard work.
Read More: Clinton, Obama And The Belief In The Magic Power Of Words
Posted by Metavirus at 2/26/2008 02:22:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Election 2008 , Primaries
Monday, February 25, 2008
CBS: Obama has 16-Point Lead!
Finally the Party seems to be coalescing around a candidate:
Obama, coming off 11 straight primary and caucus victories, had the support of 54 percent of Democratic primary voters nationally. Clinton had 38 percent support.
Read More: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/02/2 5/opinion/polls/main3874915.shtml
Robert Reich on Obama
Robert Reich, Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, has a new must-read piece:
[T]he striking thing about Obama, and the enthusiasm he has stirred up, has little to do with the specifics of the policies he advances. It is rather his almost pitch-perfect echo of the John F. Kennedy we heard in 1960 and the Robert Kennedy last heard in 1968. It is a call for national unity and national sacrifice -- not in the interest of military prowess but in the cause of social justice, both in the nation and around the world.
Neither John F. Kennedy nor his brother Robert were idealists. They were realists who understood the importance of idealism in the service of realism. They grasped the central political fact that little can be achieved in Washington unless or until the public is energized and mobilized to push for it; the status quo is simply too powerful. The ideals they enunciated helped mobilized the nation politically. That mobilization contributed to the subsequent passage of civil rights and voting rights laws, Medicare, and environmental protection.
Read More: 2008 and 1968
Earlier: Check out my article on how Obama can effect change, which echoes what Mr. Reich has to say above.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/25/2008 06:08:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Primaries
Gallup: Obama Has 12-Point Lead
A new Gallup poll shows Obama with a commanding 12-point lead over Clinton:
The Illinois senator has surged to a double-digit lead nationally over Clinton, walloping her 51%-39% among Democrat voters as their preference for the presidential nomination. The poll of 2,012 adults was taken Thursday through Sunday.
Read More: Poll respondents: Obama will be nominee
Obama Closing in on Clinton in Ohio
From TPM:
A new poll from Public Policy Polling (D) shows the Ohio primary to be at its narrowest margin yet from any pollster. Hillary Clinton still has the lead, but it's a bare 50%-46% edge over Barack Obama.
"Hillary Clinton is in big trouble," said Dean Debnam, president of PPP, in the polling memo. "As recently as a week ago many polls in the state were showing her with around a 20 point lead. The race is trending heavily toward Obama and time is on his side with another eight day before the voting."
From the internals: Hillary leads 55%-42% among women, while Obama leads 51%-45% with men. Hillary leads 56%-40% among core Democrats, while Obama is ahead 64%-33% with independents and 80%-13% among crossover Republicans.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/25/2008 03:33:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Election 2008 , Ohio , Polls , Primaries
Quote of the Day
I found this gem over on Andrew Sullivan (from Bob Shrum):
A friend of mine told me how the Marines train people in hand-to-hand combat. If your opponent has a weapon and you don't, you pick up an ashtray, a lamp, a chair, anything you can, and keep throwing stuff. It seems to me that's what the Clinton campaign is doing.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/25/2008 02:14:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Primaries , Quotes
Prominent Clinton Supporter Calls for Her to Concede
Prominent Clinton supporter Kathleen Kennedy Townsend has called for Clinton to concede:
Townsend said she expects Sen. Barack Obama to win the Democratic presidential nomination and that Clinton is finished. She believed that the Wisconsin results demonstrated that Clinton's coalition (voters over the age of 50 and those earning less than $50,000) had fallen apart.
When asked why the Clinton campaign had failed, Ms. Townsend had plenty of opinions and she placed significant blame on Bill Clinton and his racially tinged statements in South Carolina. She also felt that Clinton made a tactical error in making "experience and inevitability" her central campaign themes. Townsend argued that Clinton had little more experience than Obama and far less than candidates such as Senators Dodd and Biden.
Additionally, making the inevitability claim hurt her when she lost Iowa... Townsend then lamented Clinton's decision to go negative and question Obama's readiness. She said that she called the Clinton campaign and advised that they 'go out on a high note' but her advice was politely dismissed.
Read More: Prominent Clinton Supporter Thinks Obama Will Win The Nomination
Obama Leads Clinton in Texas by 8%
According to a new American Research poll out today, Obama has a commanding 8% lead over Clinton in Texas. This just goes to show you that the more people know about Obama, the more they come to like him.Read More: American Research Group
Gallup: Obama Most Likely to Unite Country
I think this graph speaks for itself. Obama is far and away the candidate seen as most likely to unite us as a country.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
How Obama Can Effect Change
I am watching Meet the Press and heard presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin (bar none the most authoritative voice I've heard on presidential history) make an excellent point in response to a statement by New York Times commentator David Brooks to the effect of "You really have to wonder how Obama can bring about this 'change' and 'unity' with these 70-year-old committee chairmen on the Hill."
Her response was highly elucidating:
"What history argues -- and I think that this is what [Obama] is arguing -- is that the only time we've seen progressive change in this country is when the country is mobilized to push the people in Congress to action.
That's what happened in the progressive movement at the turn of the century; that's what happened in the New Deal; that's what happened in the 60s.
I think that's what he's arguing -- I can't just get it done by myself; I need to have that movement out there that will push us in Washington (me and them included) [to make that change happen]."
This really is a gem of a formulation and a strong argument in favor of Obama's message. Whichever candidate gets elected is going to face some huge hurdles to change, in the form of the entrenched interests that are beholden to the system as it currently exists. The changes that both Democratic candidates are proposing to the health care system in particular will require an overwhelming and consistent push by the average voter on their Representatives and Senators.
As any dispassionate observer of this election would agree (bearing in mind that I don't consider myself to be in that category), the groundswell of the Obama phenomenon is a unique once-in-a-generation thing.
Now, look at the dates connected to the events that Doris Kearns-Goodwin cites and you'll note that, roughly speaking, enormous enthusiasm for progressive change seems to peak every 30-40 years.
We are overdue for change. We suffered too long with the passing era's expediency, plotting, fighting, failed wars, failed healthcare intiatives and fear-mongering to let this moment pass us by.
As Obama has said, this is ultimately less him and more about us.
Update: Here is the video. Her comments start at around 9:33.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/24/2008 11:52:00 AM 5 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Change
Saturday, February 23, 2008
¡Viva Obama!
Another great video by Obama supporters. This one is in the style of a traditional Mexican corrido. Enjoy!
¡Si se puede!
Update: Reggaeton para Obama
Update: Una mas
Posted by Metavirus at 2/23/2008 03:57:00 PM 3 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Latinos , Videos
Superdelegates are Flocking to Obama
The AP just reported that Obama is gaining significantly among superdelegates, many of whom are defecting from the Clinton camp:
The Democratic superdelegates are starting to follow the voters — straight to Barack Obama.In just the past two weeks, more than two dozen of them have climbed aboard his presidential campaign, according to a survey by The Associated Press. At the same time, Hillary Rodham Clinton's are beginning to jump ship, abandoning her for Obama or deciding they now are undecided.
The result: He's narrowing her once-commanding lead among these "superdelegates," the Democratic office holders and party officials who automatically attend the national convention and can vote for whomever they choose.
Clinton still leads among superdelegates — 241 to 181, according to the AP survey. But her total is down two in the past two weeks, while Obama's is up 25. Since the primaries started, at least three Clinton superdelegates have switched to Obama, including Rep. David Scott of Georgia, who changed his endorsement after Obama won 80 percent of the primary vote in Scott's district. At least two other Clinton backers have switched to undecided.
Read More: Superdelegates Are Flocking to Obama
Posted by Metavirus at 2/23/2008 09:18:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Primaries , Superdelegates
Friday, February 22, 2008
Obama to Raise $50-60 Million This Month
According to today's news reports, Obama is on pace to raise $50-60 million this month and will likely soon cross the threshold of having one million people donate to the campaign!
I donated another $300 yesterday. Won't you join me?
Posted by Metavirus at 2/22/2008 05:29:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Donate
Top Clinton Supporter Says Obama Will Win
This is HUGE. A top Clinton supporter in Texas came out to an Obama rally and said that Obama is going to win the nomination:
One of Hillary Clinton’s top supporters in the Rio Grande Valley appeared at a Barack Obama rally Friday and said the presidential primary was the Illinois senator’s race to lose.
State Rep. Aaron Peña, who, in print and on TV has been a leading outreach activist in the Valley for Clinton, shocked many Friday morning when he sat down with his family in the stands behind the stage at an Obama rally at the University of Texas-Pan American.
“I think last night’s debate in Austin was a turning point in this campaign. I think it will become increasingly evident very soon who is going to win this primary. While Barack Obama may not win the popular vote in Texas, the passion of his organization has an advantage in winning the important caucus delegates.”
Asked if he had now flipped over to Obama, Peña said: “I will maintain my commitment but it appears to me that the decision will be made by the public on March 4. I made a commitment to Hillary Clinton and I must maintain it. I gave my word. However, as an observer, it appears to be increasingly evident who is going to win.”
Read More: Peña stands with Obama
Posted by Metavirus at 2/22/2008 03:23:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Endorsements , Texas
"The hits that I took in this election"
I feel almost guilty for posting an item on this because the silliness of the plagiarism charge against Obama, that Hillary pushed again last night at the debate (for which she got booed), makes me cringe.
It's especially silly because Clinton herself borrows lines from her husband's campaign without attribution.
Case in point (as first noted by John Marshall at TPM) -- you be the judge:
Clinton, 92: "The hits that I took in this election are nothing compared to the hits the people of this state and this country have been taking for a long time."
Hillary Clinton, tonight: "You know, the hits I’ve taken in life are nothing compared to what goes on every single day in the lives of people across our country."
Just to be 100% clear, there's nothing in the least wrong with this. And it's a great line. But I think it shows the silliness of the 'plagiarism' charges based on a few borrowed lines. Politicians borrow good lines and catch-phrases. Happens all the time. There's nothing wrong with it.
Compare these two speeches:
In light of this common practice among politicians, can everyone now drop this non-issue?
Posted by Metavirus at 2/22/2008 11:07:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: "Plagiarism" , Attacks on Obama , Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Rebuttals , Videos
Quote of the Day
I found my favorite quote from last night's debate:
"I do think there is a fundamental difference between us in terms of how change comes about. Senator Clinton of late has said: Let's get real. The implication is that the people who've been voting for me or involved in my campaign are somehow delusional."
Posted by Metavirus at 2/22/2008 10:28:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Debates , Quotes , Texas
Obama Video - A Chorus of Millions
Here's a new video put out by the Obama campaign. It features Barack Obama speaking in Chicago on Super Tuesday and highlight moments from the Obama campaign across the country.
My favorite quote "[This campaign] is different -- not because of me, but because of you."
Posted by Metavirus at 2/22/2008 10:23:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Speeches , Super Tuesday , Videos
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Texas Debate Live Blog
Crap, I missed the last moment.
I think, overall, that Obama did well and Clinton did well, which ultimately leans to Obama's favor. Hillary did little to stem Obama's surge.
9:38 - Final question! Obama talks about "taking responsibility for my own actions".
9:36 - Nice line from Obama about all the B.S. that people in Washington seem to be interested in. I'm distracted! Argh.!
9:25 - Nice! Obama highlighted how much easier of a time he would have debating McCain because he never voted to authorize the war in Iraq and never supported it.
9:21 - I have to jump off for a conference call.
9:17 - Obama says "I wouldn't be running if I didn't think I wasn't prepared to be Commander-in-Chief". He appropriately brings up Clinton's Iraq war vote. Nice, he paints her with the Bush brush. He goes on to highlight how right he was.
9:14 - Back to the actual question of why Hillary thinks Obama isn't ready. She does a regular double-step.
9:13 - Obama makes an excellent riposte and says that Hillary will garnish people's wages.
9:10 - Moderator asks about readiness to lead, Hillary switches to Health Care and gets booed.
9:02 - Obama on the health care question. Nice line, Obama noted that Bill Clinton's former labor secretary said that Obama's plan does the most to reduce health care costs. Ah, here he goes, he's laying into Clinton for coming up with her failed health care plan behind closed doors. EXCELLENT! Now, a break, I wish he would've laid into her more on her continued insistence on the B.S. plagiarism issue. However, I suppose it could be a good move on his part to minimize the issue.
9:00 - Again, Hillary pushes the plagiarism line. This is RIDICULOUS. Please God don't let her get away with this. Hmm, who was the audience booing, her or Obama? We're getting into the meat of it, now she's digging into him on a moratorium on home foreclosures and other things. Now she segues into Health Care.
8:57 - Here's the plagiarism question. Nice line: "we're getting into silly season in politics". He very effectively deflected the issue by noting that Deval Patrick is a co-chairman of his campaign. An overall EXCELLENT riposte.
8:54 - Nice! Obama calls out Clinton for implying that his supporters are delusional. He said, "It's not just a matter of putting forward policy positions." EXCELLENT RIPOSTE!
8:50 - Ooh, snap, question about Clinton's "Where's the Beef" B.S. She evades, tries to say that her "all style, no substance" statements were about President Bush! Such a liar! Oh, dear God, she just threw out the "35 years of experience" and the idiot Texas senator who couldn't name an Obama Senate accomplishment.
8:42 - On the question of "bilingualness", Obama wins the debate by discussing America's need to educate our children in more than one language to more effectively compete on the world stage and gets a good jab in at "No Child Left Behind" at the same time.
8:41 - Obama expands on the question and scores good points with his push for the DREAM act, whereby children of illegal immigrants are eligible for college assistance.
8:36 - Now onto the question of the border fence. Clinton zings a good line: "there's a smart way and a dumb way" to do the border.
8:35 - Still on the immigration question, Obama is doing a great job. He's making a number of excellent emotional and factual points and draws a great contrast with Bush.
8:28 - Hillary is going on about her proposal to (a) put a moratorium on foreclosures and (b) a multiyear freeze on interest rates. I am SO infuriated that the sheer insanity of these proposals has not been properly vetted. Every economist who has reviewed this has determined that this will DESTROY the mortgage industry for subprime borrowers.
8:22 - I have to take a call, the question is currently about the economy and how the candidates are different.
8:13 - Question regarding Castro stepping down -- moderator asks whether candidate will meet with the new leader of Cuba.
Clinton takes the line that many steps must be undertaken before she'll meet with him. Very reminiscent of her statements on Iran. "I won't talk to our enemies until they do what we want." After Obama speaks (below), Clinton continues on her same tack, which is basically the same Bush doctrine: "We don't meet with countries unless they comply with our demands FIRST". She tries to distance herself from Bush but her stated policy is not that different from Bush's policy.
Obama expands on his previous statements and says that he'll meet with the new leader of Cuba without preconditions as long as an agenda is agreed on. Later, Obama reinforces the fact that he is departing from the Bush doctrine of engaging nefarious leaders, which Clinton continually repeats that se is in favor of.
Winner: Obama, he was more candid and less parsed. He stuck to his previous statements and was open to meeting with both with our friends and our enemies. Clinton is too close to the Bush doctrine.
8:09 - Obama starts his opening statement. Nice start by noting that Hillary and he will remain friends. Nice line "what's lacking right now is not good ideas". He's said it before but it's oh-so-true. It's time to get stuff done. An interesting contract with Clinton -- he said that we need to "push against" the special interests rather than Clinton's "fight against" the insurance industry.
8:05 - Hillary makes opening statement in a snappy all-black-with-gold-collar-accents ensemble. She claims a "life of experience and proven results". The the "life of experience" line is a bit different. What "experience"? Corporate lawyer? Board member of Walmart? Overall, a solid opening.
8:02 - The debate begins, photo opps. Commentators note that Obama has won 11 of the last 11 contests. Also notes that Bill Clinton said that Hillary must win Ohio and Texas by a significant margin in order for her to win.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/21/2008 08:01:00 PM 2 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Debates , Primaries , Texas
Pollster: Obama's Lead Widening
A new Pollster poll, out today, shows Obama's lead against Clinton widening. Today's "poll of polls" shows Obama with 47.7%, compared to Clinton's 44%, a 3.7% spread and his biggest yet.Read More: Pollster.com
Obama Wins 11th Straight Victory
Announced today, Obama won the Democrats Abroad primary by a commanding 66% to Clinton's 33%. Obama picked up 2.5 delegates to Clinton's 2, with an additional 2.5 to be apportioned at a convention in April:
The Asia Pacific Region broke strongly for Obama 72.6% - 25.6%. Globally, it was Obama 65.6% - 32.7% over Clinton in the Global Primary, conducted Feb. 1-12.Read More: Primary Results; Results PDF
The strongest support for Clinton came from the Americas--43.5% to 54.6% for Obama. The third and largest region within Democrats Abroad, the Americas, fell between the Asia-Pacific and Americas at 68% Obama to 30.5% Clinton.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/21/2008 11:41:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Delegates , Electability , Primaries
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
NY Mayor Bloomberg Calls Irregularities "Fraud"
Bloomberg's spokesman, Stu Loeser, reiterated the charge in an e-mail:
There are plenty of people arguing that the same error could have been made by mistake more than 80 times (and counting!), but the mayor is less sanguine. Certainly, if the system for administering elections was based on competence (and if the special-interest induced gridlock in Albany hadn't prevented the State from certifying new machines some time in the last 40 or more years), someone might have noticed that there's a problem where Sen. Obama apparently got no votes in areas where he clearly had a lot of support.
Read More: Bloomberg's allegation
Posted by Metavirus at 2/20/2008 12:57:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Election Fraud , New York , Primaries
Obama Will Work for Campaign Spending Limits
As Obama has said from the very beginning he "will aggressively pursue [a spending limit agreement] if [he is the] party's nominee".
In a new op-ed out today in USA Today, Obama has this to say:
I do not expect that a workable, effective agreement will be reached overnight. The campaign-finance laws are complex, and filled with loopholes that can render meaningless any agreement that is not solidly constructed.Read More: Opposing view: Both sides must agreeAs USA TODAY has critically observed, outside groups have come to spend tens of millions of dollars "independently," while the candidates they favor with these ads "wink and nod" at this activity. There is an even greater risk of this runaway, sham independent spending now that the Supreme Court has wrongly opened the door to more of it in a recent decision.
I propose a meaningful agreement in good faith that results in real spending limits. The candidates will have to commit to discouraging cheating by their supporters; to refusing fundraising help to outside groups; and to limiting their own parties to legal forms of involvement. And the agreement may have to address the amounts that Senator McCain, the presumptive nominee of his party, will spend for the general election while the Democratic primary contest continues.
We can have such an agreement this year, and it could hold up. I am committed to seeking such an agreement
if that commitment is matched by Senator McCain. When the time comes, we will talk and our commitment will be tested.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/20/2008 12:45:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Primaries , Spending Limits
The Substance of Obama
I just read a great post over at the DailyKos, that lists a sets out a whopping 260-point list of Obama's substantive policy positions.
Jump over there and take a look.
The lazy meme that's still circulating out there that somehow "style" comes at the expense of "substance" is absurd.
Read More: 260 Substantive Reasons to Vote For Barack Obama
Posted by Metavirus at 2/20/2008 12:32:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Substance
Obama Wisconsin Primary Victory Speech
See below for the video of Obama's rousing victory speech after winning a double-digit victory last night in Wisconsin (and before the news came out that he won Hawaii by 52 points).
His best line of the night: "Houston, I think we've achieved liftoff here." And how!
Posted by Metavirus at 2/20/2008 12:21:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hawaii , Primaries , Speeches , Videos , Wisconsin
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mini-Live-Blog - Wisconsin and Hawaii
9:09 AM Weds. - I just woke up and saw Obama's numbers in Hawaii. He won 76% to 24%, a 52 point spread!
11:30 - Sorry, got was on a call with mums. Latest numbers show that Obama won Wisconsin by 15 points! Off to bed!
10:19 - I'm still watching the Obama speech but I just wanted to point out the current spread. Obama is currently beating Clinton by a 13-point margin in Wisconsin.
10:05 - Another great speech by Obama. I wonder if Hillary's earlier speech was specifically scheduled to preempt Obama's scheduled speaking time. I noticed, for the third consecutive time, that she failed to congratulate Obama on his win.
9:20 - Obama wins Wisconsin by a double-digit margin. More to come on Hawaii.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 09:47:00 PM 2 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hawaii , Primaries , Wisconsin
Bill Clinton in 1991 on "Experience" vs. "Change"
After watching the video below, it's hard to imagine how little difference there is between Bill Clinton's speech in 1991 and Obama's speeches today. Both of them point out that there's the "right" type of experience and the "wrong" type of experience. Unfortunately, as the years have gone on, the Clintons have become the establishment figures (rather than Bush the Elder) and Obama has become the insurgent.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 05:05:00 PM 2 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Electability , Experience , General Election , Primaries
Gallup: Huge Lead for Obama Nationally and Among Hispanics
Every new poll that has come out recently shows Obama routinely surging ahead.
For this post, I want to first highlight that Obama has come back from a 63%-32% disadvantage versus Clinton among Hispanic voters and now leads among such voters 50% to 46%:
For the national numbers, Obama still enjoys a comfortable 7-point lead over Clinton:
Finally, another bit of exciting news contained in the data is that Obama is now tied with Clinton among women voters nationally:
Read More: Obama Gaining Among Middle-Aged, Women, Hispanics
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 01:41:00 PM 2 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Electability , Hispanics , Polls , Primaries , Women
To Villify Obama is to Ignore the Last Three Decades
Robert Creamer has a must-read article on the Huffington Post you should read that cautions us against dismissing Obama supporters as a "cult of personality". This quote sums it up:
It's one thing for supporters of Hillary Clinton to make the case that her experience in Washington politics would make her a better president than Barack Obama. But it's quite another to actually vilify Obama's ability to inspire as a "cult of the personality" or "nothing but words."It is particularly disturbing when serious progressive writers who should know better repeat this attack on Obama's inspirational abilities. It demonstrates a failure to grasp the principal lesson of the last thirty years of American politics.
In fact, it is precisely the absence of inspiration in progressive politics that has kept Progressives on the political defensive for decades.
Read More: To Vilify Obama for his Ability to Inspire is to Ignore the Principal Lesson of the Last Three Decades of American Politics
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 01:09:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Attacks on Obama , Barack Obama , Rebuttals
Deval Patrick: I Asked Obama to Use My Words
I hate even posting on this but the meme is still swirling out there that Obama somehow acted inappropriately by using some of Deval Patrick's words in a recent speech. I can't begin to describe how ludicrous this is so I'll let Deval Patrick himself do the talking:
Patrick was the source of Obama's allegedly lifted words, and he laughed off the accusation of plagiarism, calling it "elaborate" and "extravagant."
"I think it's a sad comment on the state of the race and the state of our politics that the Clinton campaign is taking this particular tack," he told Diane Sawyer.
The Democratic governor also said it was not necessary for Obama to credit Patrick for drawing from his words.
Read More: Deval Patrick: I Asked Obama to Use My Words (Click through to see his interview on GMA)
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 12:19:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Attacks on Obama , Barack Obama , Rebuttals
Two Peninsulas - A Song for Hillary's FL/MI Power Grab
Go over to the Huffington Post to listen to a new punk rock song dedicated to speaking out against Hillary's power grab for the Michigan and Florida delegates. Here's my favorite line:
Cause we've grown, old and tired
Of willful disregard for the rules
So it's high time I object
To ambition left unchecked
You've got so much more than my respect to lose.
The post also links to the petition urging Hillary to abandon her push to have the Michigan and Florida delegates seated in the upcoming Democratic National Convention. If you haven't already signed, please do so today!
See below for a list of some of the people that have signed:
Posted by Metavirus at 2/19/2008 09:09:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Florida , Michigan , Petitions , Primaries
Monday, February 18, 2008
Obama in Statistical Dead Heat in Texas
A new CNN poll shows Obama already in a statistical dead heat in Texas, which holds primaries March 4:
Read More: Texas poll shows dead heat among DemsIn the survey, out Monday, 50 percent of likely Democratic primary voters support Clinton as their choice for the party's nominee, with 48 percent backing Obama.
But taking into account the poll's sampling error of plus or minus 4½ percentage points for Democratic respondents, the race is a virtual tie.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/18/2008 06:19:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Polls , Primaries , Texas
Quote of the Day: "Second Class Delegates"
This is a gem from a co-chairman of the Clinton campaign in Michigan from a conference call today:
"Superdelegates are not second-class delegates," says Joel Ferguson, who will be a superdelegate if Michigan is seated. "The real second-class delegates are the delegates that are picked in red-state caucuses that are never going to vote Democratic."
Read More: 'Second-class delegates'
Another Hillary Supporter Switches: Electability
This is a must read post. A strong Clinton supporter switches to Obama due to an exhaustive analysis of the potential general election map.
In the original post, you'll find a variety of images illustrating the hypothetical matchups for November and Obama's overwhelming lead in all such matchups. Money Quote:
The only logical explanation I see as to why Obama is performing so much better than Hillary when matched against McCain ... is that he is indeed a lot more popular than she is among independents and other swing voters who will decide this election ... Electability has always been the top issue for me in whom I support.
Read More
Posted by Metavirus at 2/18/2008 03:06:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Electability , General Election , Independents , Primaries , Republicans
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Defending Hope
Here's the last ten or so minutes from Obama's speech last night, in which he defends the idea of hope from Hillary's recent round of attacks. Are we really going to nominate a person who is running on an anti-hope platform?
Posted by Metavirus at 2/17/2008 09:54:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Hope , Speeches , Videos
Great Meet the Press Today for Obama
I just watched today's Meet the Press. The whole show netted Obama a series of great quotes and analysis. I posted the video below for you to watch.
Consider the first portion of the show where Chuck Schumer (Hillary supporter) debates Dick Durbin (Obama supporter) on the superdelegate and Florida/Michigan delegate questions. Dick comes across as MUCH more forthright.
Also consider the round table's discussion of Obama and Clinton's only executive experience: running their respective campaigns. Guess who they thought is proving himself to be a better executive.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/17/2008 06:26:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Videos
Barack Obama - a John Kennedy for our times
Here is a great article on the Times:
It is hard to see who can stop Senator Barack Obama becoming the next President of the United States. He has built up an excitement such as no candidate has created since President Kennedy in 1960. He is, in my view, a better speaker than Kennedy. Like Kennedy, he combines personal magnetism with a strong appeal to American idealism.
Read More: Barack Obama - a John Kennedy for our times
Posted by Metavirus at 2/17/2008 06:08:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Endorsements , Primaries
Obama: A Profoundly Catalytic Leader
I think many Americans and the media are struggling with how to most accurately understand Senator Obama's popularity and leadership style. As Obama supporters, we have a responsibility to help expand their understanding and give them new concepts and words to explain why Senator Obama is and will be so profoundly effective.Senator Obama is not a cult leader (as Senator Clinton is now so absurdly suggesting).
Senator Obama is a Catalytic Leader, as I will describe shortly below. This is the exact style of leadership our country and our interconnected world requires at this point in history. Without this more accurate framing, the media will continue to parrot Senator Clinton's talking points by attributing Senator Obama's message and popularity to hero worship, charisma, blind faith or "cultmania", etc.
Catalytic Leadership is a style of leadership whereby a leader inspires diverse constituencies to step forward and work together and where effective solutions to problems are created by such constituencies working together, with everyone buying into the problem solving process. By being involved and invested in the process, stakeholders who may desire different outcomes may yet come to support a solution because they were made a part of the process. They can say "WE DID IT!"
Senator Obama is clearly a charismatic figure. However, to write him off as simply a "charismatic figure" is too simplistic. His true power lies in what appears to be his natural leadership ability and his skill at drawing together a variety of diverse constituencies into his decision-making process. Not everyone will agree with the outcome of every initiative he puts forward but everyone will at least be able to say that they were consulted and had their voices heard. Thus, his message of "Yes WE can!".
The complexity of the problems facing our country and world involve highly divergent points of view and diverse people/communities that must somehow find common ground in order to move toward solutions, and a Catalytic Leadership style is the one that is necessary. This is one of the critically important skills that Senator Barack Obama will bring to the presidency, as is already profoundly evidenced in his ongoing campaign.
A Catalytic Leader is the antidote to our current woes and to Clinton and the media's recent "cultmania" spin in answer to Obama's popularity and his ability to inspire and involve so many patriotic Americans -- whether Democrat, Independent or Republican.
We cannot suffer through another era where "leadership" is defined as forcing your will upon others, not consulting with opposing voices and falling prey to the supposed collective wisdom of a coterie that has never disagreed with you.
For more on the concept of Catalytic Leadership, check out the seminal work on the topic by my late stepfather: "Catalytic Leadership" by Professor Jeffrey Luke.
Also, check out another great article: The 'Cult' of Obama?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Video of Obama's Speech in Wisconsin
Here's a short clip of a recent Obama speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He does a great job of rebutting Clinton's silly line of "speeches don't put food on the table". He agrees that speeches, by themselves, don't put food on the table.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/16/2008 10:18:00 AM 2 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Primaries , Speeches , Videos , Wisconsin
Friday, February 15, 2008
Pollster Shows Obama Ahead for First Time!
Adding to Obama's recent fantastic poll numbers from Rasmussen, Obama has now eclipsed Clinton in Pollster.com's Poll of Polls, edging her out 47.1 to 46:Add to this Gallup's new poll out today and it's more great news for Obama! The Gallup poll shows Obama widening his lead over Clinton, 47% to 45%:
Reminder About the Importance of Judgment
Here's a short video I just watched that contrasts Obama's strong opposition to the war in 2002 with Hillary Clinton's decision to vote for the war and take Bush "at his word".
What "experience" is she running on again?
Helping to plunge us into a war that will cost us trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of American and Iraqi lives?
Failing miserably to pass universal health care?
Via Video: A Reminder about the Importance of Judgment
Petition to Stop Clinton at 3,700+ Signatures!
I know I've posted on this a few times but the response to the petition to stop Hillary from seeking to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida at the Democratic National Convention has now received over 3,700 signatures!
Add your voice to the thousands that have already signed! Send it to all of your friends!
Posted by Metavirus at 2/15/2008 06:08:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Delegates , Florida , Michigan , Petitions
Superdelegates -- How YOU Can Help!
I just received an email from the Obama campaign with instructions on how we can help to win the hearts and minds of the superdelegates! Here's how the email put it:
Our work so far has taught us one important lesson: that your personal story about why you support Barack Obama is often the most powerful persuasion tool for someone who's undecided. That's true whether that undecided voter is your neighbor or a superdelegate.
The story of where you're from, what brought you into the political process, the issues that matter to you, and why you became part of this movement has the potential to inspire someone who could cast a deciding vote in this contest.
Our staff will compile stories from supporters like you and make them a key part of the conversation with superdelegates as Barack asks for their support.
They are asking for you to submit your story via their form, which they will compile and relay to the superdelegates. Here is the story I just submitted:
To whom it may concern,
In my short 31 years of life, I have never been much involved in the political process and have never been particularly enthused about any presidential campaign.
This year is different. Profoundly so.
Over the past eight years, we have suffered through an otherwise unthinkably horrific debacle brought upon our country by an arrogant man who currently holds the office of President of the United States.
This election brings with it the hope of not only a new President, but a new hope for our country -- a new way in which we can look upon ourselves as a nation.
The current democratic nomination process carries with it the chance to ruin all of that. If, by some stretch of the imagination, the candidate without a majority of the popular vote or a majority of the elected pledged delegates somehow steals the nomination by arm-twisting enough superdelegates to vote for him or her -- I will no longer consider the Democratic Party worthy of my vote.
I am a moderate, right of center, sometimes libertarian, sometimes independent who is now so disillusioned with anyone claiming to be a "conservative" that I will be voting with the Democrats this year.
That is, of course, unless the nomination is wrested from the rightful winner via either (a) a vote by the superdelegates or (b) seating the delegates from Michigan and Florida, where fair elections were not held.
I hope the Democrats understand the potential that exists to ruin this election by having the process appear to be unfair. I beg you to consider our pleas.
[ ]
Posted by Metavirus at 2/15/2008 03:23:00 PM 10 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Call to Action , Superdelegates
SEIU Endorses Obama
As reported yesterday, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), one of the largest unions in the country with significant political power in Texas, endorsed Obama today. This is HUGE:
The Obama endorsement came after careful consideration and polling of the membership. "Our members and leaders really feel that American needs profound change and something that engages the next generation," Stern said, adding that Obama fits the bill.
Read more: SEIU Endorses Obama
Rasmussen Shows Obama Leading by 12 Points!
A new Rasmussen tracking poll out today shows Obama leading Clinton 49% to 37%, a double-digit spread of 12 points! Not only that:
Obama is now leading Clinton among women voters by five percentage points. Clinton retains her lead among white women but her advantage is down to three percentage points in that demographic, the poll found.
An even more intriguing number is that in general election match-ups, Obama leads John McCain 46% to 42% while McCain leads Clinton 49% to 41%!
This table really illustrates Hillary's sinking general election prospects:
McCain vs. Clinton | McCain vs. Obama | ||||
Date | McCain | Clinton | Date | McCain | Obama |
02/14/08 | 48% | 41% | 02/14/08 | 42% | 46% |
02/13/08 | 46% | 42% | 02/13/08 | 40% | 46% |
02/12/08 | 45% | 44% | 02/12/08 | 40% | 44% |
02/11/08 | 45% | 43% | 02/11/08 | 40% | 44% |
02/10/08 | 46% | 43% | 02/10/08 | 41% | 44% |
02/09/08 | 48% | 42% | 02/09/08 | 42% | 45% |
02/08/08 | 46% | 43% | 02/08/08 | 41% | 44% |
02/07/08 | 46% | 44% | 02/07/08 | 43% | 46% |
Read More: Obama leads Clinton by double digits in one poll
Superdelegate John Lewis Switches to Obama
This is huge. Superdelegate, civil rights leader and House member John Lewis (D-Ga.) switches his endorsement from Clinton to Obama:
[I]t is difficult to overstate the significance of John Lewis' switch from the Clinton to Obama camps because it is a devastating blow on two or three levels wrapped together in a single person. Lewis' historic and moral stature in the African-American community and in the modern Democratic party bulks very large. “In recent days, there is a sense of movement and a sense of spirit,” Lewis told the Times. “Something is happening in America, and people are prepared and ready to make that great leap.” This is a curious statement as he seems to be suggesting that his earlier endorsement of Clinton was based on his own failure to set his sights sufficiently high. What's more, the willingness of a high-profile politician not simply to endorse one candidate but to switch from one to another (at least in terms of who he believes he'll vote for as a super delegate) is a powerful sign that a tipping point is at hand.
Read More: Won't Go There; John Lewis Switches
Posted by Metavirus at 2/15/2008 10:17:00 AM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Primaries , Superdelegates
Thursday, February 14, 2008
SEIU and UFCW Unions Endorse Obama
The Service Employees International Union (SEIU), representing some 1.9 million workers, is set to endorse Obama tomorrow.
And the United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW), representing an additional 1.4 million workers, has endorsed Obama:
UFCW: Senator Obama understands the needs of working people. As a community organizer, he understands that America must restore the balance between working America and corporate America. He will fight to level the playing field on behalf of workers across our country. He will fight to regain the rights and protections workers have lost after too many years of the Bush Administration.
Read More: UFCW too; SEIU set to endorse Obama
Posted by Metavirus at 2/14/2008 08:55:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Endorsements , Primaries
Purple America is ready, and eager, for Obama
Here's a great piece on Obama's broad appeal across the country, including in states that Senator Clinton has dismissed as "not significant" (i.e., any state she hasn't won):
It was hard to know where the good news ended for Barack Obama after the Potomac primaries. There had been no question that Obama would dominate in DC and Maryland. But his overwhelming romp in Virginia--one of a handful of formerly "red" states that are tossups for 2008--made the best case yet that the Illinois senator just might live up to his promise of blasting the red-blue electoral map to smithereens come November.
Read More: Purple Obama; Mark Penn: "Significant States"
Posted by Metavirus at 2/14/2008 05:10:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Electability , Independents , Red States , Republicans
Obama Leads Pledged Delegates by 136
Obama currently leads the pledged delegate count by 136 delegates - 1139 for Obama – 1003 for Clinton. After sweeping the past eight contests by large margins, it now appears that Senator Obama has an insurmountable lead in pledged delegates.
read more | digg story
Clinton Superdelegate Switches to Obama
Christine Samuels, a superdelegate from Montclair, New Jersey, announced today that she is switching her support from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama:
I now support Barack Obama because he has brought about a new wave of hope and energy to this country, especially among our young people, who represent our future. People want to see change. Barack can help unite this country and help us embrace our diverse nation.
I am also proud to support Senator Obama because he spoke clearly and forcefully against the war in Iraq from the start. I know he has the leadership to make sure we bring our young men and women home as quickly and carefully as possible, and ensure all Americans have access to affordable health care.
Read More: Former Clinton Superdelegate Switches to Support Barack Obama
Posted by Metavirus at 2/14/2008 03:21:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Endorsements , Primaries , Superdelegates
Puerto Rico Governor Endorses Obama
Puerto Rican Gov. Anibal Acevedo Vila endorsed Sen. Barack Obama on Wednesday, giving the candidate potentially key support from one of the island's superdelegates in a close fight for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Read More: PR Gov Backs Obama for President
Posted by Metavirus at 2/14/2008 03:18:00 PM 3 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Endorsements , Primaries , Puerto Rico
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hope Changes Everything Video
I'm not sure who created it but there's a great new supporter-created video making its rounds on the Internet today.
Gallup Poll Shows Obama in the Lead!
The last couple of weeks have been great for Obama. He's swept all of the states in the last two major contests and now (drum roll please), Obama has pulled out ahead of Hillary in the latest Gallup poll! I wish I had more time to write about it!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Super Tuesday 2 Live Blog
9:33 - I've tallied up the numbers and Obama would be far ahead in delegates, even if the Democrats had a winner-take-all system! See my spreadsheet here.
9:30 - NBC News just called the Maryland race for Obama "by a substantial margin"! Another clean sweep! How many of these clean sweeps can Hillary stand?
9:07 - Obama wins Washington D.C. Oh dear, now I have to listen to Clinton again.
8:50 - Not much new news. As a friendly commenter noted, it's Obama "money bomb" day. Donate $5.01, or whatever you can, by midnight tonight.
7:47 - I just got home and WOW, Obama won Virginia by what looks to be a landslide. According to exit polls, he won almost every demographic group except old women. I am really starting to believe that Clinton's campaign "strategy" of "If you're a state with caucuses, too many black people or too few delegates: F&*k off" might prove to be as stupid and disastrous as Giuliani's "I'll just wait until Florida" strategy.
Posted by Metavirus at 2/12/2008 07:46:00 PM 1 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Maryland , Primaries , Virginia , Washington D.C.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Futures Market Swings to Obama; New Gallup Poll
The Iowa Futures Market has swung decisively in favor of Obama winning the Democratic nomination. What a great week-and-a-half he's had!

Why Vote Obama
This is a great example of the wisdom and judgment of Obama. A woman in Virginia asks him why he should get her vote. Here's Obama's reply:
Via An Obama Blogger
Posted by Metavirus at 2/11/2008 04:53:00 PM 0 comments
Tags: Barack Obama , Case for Obama , Speeches , Videos