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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Rasmussen: Obama Consistently Ahead

From today's Rasmussen daily tracking poll:

In the race for the Democratic Presidential Nomination, Obama now attracts 48% of the vote while Hillary Clinton earns 41%. That’s the first time in nearly a week that Obama’s support has dipped below 50% but the sixth straight day that he has enjoyed a significant lead over Clinton (see recent daily results). Clinton continues to hold a modest lead in Pennsylvania while Obama holds a huge lead in North Carolina. Data from Rasmussen Markets now gives Obama an 83.0 % chance to win the Democratic nomination.
McCain is viewed favorably by 52% and unfavorably by 45%. Obama’s reviews are also 52% favorable and 45% unfavorable. For Clinton, those numbers are 45% favorable, 53% unfavorable (see recent daily results). Rasmussen Markets data shows that Democrats are given a 59.1 % chance of winning the White House this year.

Read More: Daily Presidential Tracking Poll