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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Winning Ugly - Clintons Lying, Slashing and Burning to Win

I just read an amazing article on The Huffington Post by Miles Mogulescu that you absolutely have to read. He goes through each specious assertion by Hillary during/before last night's South Carolina debate and points out a slew of factual inaccuracies and shady tactics. For example:

One of the elements that may have helped Hillary Clinton achieve her 7,500 vote New Hampshire win, in which thousands of women rallied to her cause, was an attack mailer from the Clinton campaign questioning Obama's pro-choice credentials by citing 7 "present" votes in the Illinois state Legislature.

In fact, pro-choice leaders in Illinois asked pro-choice legislators to vote "present" because the anti-abortion bills were a cheap election-year stunt by "pro-life" politicians. Pam Sutherland, the head of Illinois Planned Parenthood told ABC News that "We worked with him [Obama] specifically on this strategy." Contrary to the implications of the Clinton flyer, Obama had a 100% positive pro-choice voting record according to Planned Parenthood.

Read More: Winning Ugly: Are the Hil and Bill Winning the Primary Battle and Losing the General Election War?