The Supreme Court May Let TikTok Go Dark
11 hours ago
News and commentary on why America needs Barack Obama at this moment in our history.
Here's a must-read op-ed in the New York Times that makes a strong case against nominating Hillary. In sum, should Hillary get elected, it would give the Republicans a significant chance of winning in November:
IN the wake of George W. Bush, even a miracle might not be enough for the Republicans to hold on to the White House in 2008. But what about two miracles? The new year’s twin resurrections of Bill Clinton and John McCain, should they not evaporate, at last give the G.O.P. a highly plausible route to victory.
If Mr. Obama doesn’t fight, no one else will. Few national Democratic leaders have the courage to stand up to the Clintons. Even in defeat, Mr. Obama may at least help wake up a party slipping into denial. Any Democrat who seriously thinks that Bill will fade away if Hillary wins the nomination — let alone that the Clintons will escape being fully vetted — is a Democrat who, as the man said, believes in fairy tales.
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