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Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Obama of "Dreams"

I am so terribly remiss in that I still haven't read Obama's two books. Here is a great piece from David Ignatius discussing the valuable insights he received into Obama from reading "Dreams of My Father", that he describes as "one of the best political autobiographies I've read". Money Quote:

The book is so honest, and so funny and self-aware, that you come away thinking that Obama is that rare politician who genuinely understands who he is. You can't help but worry that once the packagers are done with him, this voice will be blunted.

Read More: The Obama of 'Dreams'

Buy "Dreams of my Father"
Buy "The Audacity of Hope"


Anonymous said...

Both of Senator Obama's books are absolutely excellent and worth the time to read...indeed savour, with hot tea and renewed hope for the return of dignity, respect and integrity to both our political process and the honorable professional of public service.